Figure 14. Millimeters leaf thickness of La Selva Passiflora species; 340 measurements on 11 species. The three thicker-leaved species (P. pittieri, P. auriculata, P. ambigua) each host obligately monophagous Heliconius (see Table 1). These larvae are highly adapted group feeders that feed, rest and moult in synchrony. The four common Passiflora with thinner leaves (P. lobata, P. biflora, P vitifolia and P. oerstedii) host fast-growing polyphagous larvae or facultatively monophagous larvae that are solitary feeders or feed in small uncoordinated groups. The remaining five Passiflora species (P. megacoriacea, P. arbelaezii, P. costaricensis, P. menispermifolia, P. quadrangularis) are less common and are seldom used by Heliconius at La Selva. Analysis of variance in leaf thickness comparing the first three species to the second four species yielded an F-ratio of 0.5874/0.0095=61.57 (p<0.0001). Passiflora species abbreviations: aPIT=pittieri; bLOB=lobata; cCOR=megacoriacea; dAUR=auriculata; eBI=biflora; fARB=arbelaezii; gCOS=costaricensis; hVIT=vitifolia; iAMB=ambigua; jQUA=quadrangularis; kMEN=menispermifolia; lOER=oerstedii.